Writing Dream Formations - 2 CE Credits


Writing Dream Formations - 2 CE Credits


In this seminar, participants will practice unraveling the logic of the dream through writing elaborations. Following Freud and Lacan, we will consider the dream as a rupture of the unconscious from an Other scene, not as a narrative with a hidden meaning. Dreams embody the perpetual writing of the unconscious on the drives of the body, the Real of language, and the transformation of symptoms. 


Drawing from dream sequences presented across multiple sessions. What rupture may have constructed the dream? What signifiers already present in the analysis did it evoke or elaborate?  If there is a navel in the dream, what is the navel?  If the dream is a nightmare, where was it interrupted? Is there a second navel created around the associations?  What drives of the body may have been mobilized? 


The case we are exploring here is not a case study of the patient, but the case of the-analyst-in training working under constraints of the Lacanian clinic and transference. Is it possible to articulate dream logic in a way that races a tiny bit ahead of the Real? This seminar aims to give a space to participants to play with impressions and experiences that can be so difficult to wrap our minds around. Writing can be employed as a scaffolding to develop a sense for the effects of our interventions.

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